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Best Exercise to Lose Weight


What is the best exercise to lose weight? The answer is it depends. You see, I can say the best thing to do to lose weight is for you to run on a treadmill for 45 minutes a day and although technically that will work, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you. The reason is that if you really hate to run, then you are not going to keep it up long enough for you to achieve your results so in this case, running would probably be a very poor choice of exercise for you to lose weight.
Best Exercise to Lose Weight


So don’t look for the best exercises to lose weight. Instead, look for something that you can see yourself doing and enjoying for a long time. I’m talking about years. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can choose any type of exercise and expect to lose the weight that you want to lose. Some exercises are more effective than others. In general, though, you will want to choose an exercise that will cause you to get your heart pumping at a constant rate if possible. In terms of efficiency, you will want something that is consistent like running. However, like I mentioned, it’s more important to choose something that you will actually stick with so if taking a hip-hop class or a spinning class is more suitable for you, then do that.

There are many people who get into great shape without ever stepping foot on a treadmill or in the gym for that matter by playing sports. If you have a sport that you like, start playing it more often. If you like to do something a bit physical, then try kickboxing or some form of mixed martial arts. I’m not talking about competing or anything. You can do any of these things in an aerobic fashion where your aim is to simply get your heart pumping but at the same time learn a new skill and have fun as well.

Now if you are fine with working out at the gym than the best exercise equipment to lose weight is the treadmill. Since you are constantly moving the whole time, you will be burning a lot of calories which is what you want to aim for. You can also do weight lifting as well in order to build muscle which will help burn fat but if you had to choose one thing, then the treadmill or even the stationary bike would be it. The best exercise to lose weight fast would be to combine both cardio and weightlifting.

Weight Loss

Of course, no weight loss program is complete without having the proper diet. You can work out all you want but if you continue to eat junk food all the time, you’re not going to go very far. So remember that your diet is a huge part in obtaining your weight loss goal. Again, in respects to exercising, the best exercise for weight loss is one where you actually enjoy it enough to stick with it. Try out different things if you don’t already have one in mind until you find one that you like. Working out doesn’t have to be hard or boring, it can also be fun if you look hard enough for the right exercise.
best exercise to lose weight

What is the best exercise to lose weight? The answer is it depends. You see, I can say the best thing to do to lose weight is for you to run on a treadmill for 45 minutes a day and although technically that will work, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you. The reason is that if you really hate to run, then you are not going to keep it up long enough for you to achieve your results so in this case, running would probably be a very poor choice of exercise for you to lose weight.

So don’t look for the best exercises to lose weight. Instead, look for something that you can see yourself doing and enjoying for a long time. I’m talking about years. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can choose any type of exercise and expect to lose the weight that you want to lose. Some exercises are more effective than others. In general though, you will want to choose an exercise that will cause you to get your heart pumping at a constant rate if possible. In terms of efficiency, you will want something that is consistent like running. However, like I mentioned, it’s more important to choose something that you will actually stick with so if taking a hip hop class or a spinning class is more suitable for you, then do that.

There are many people who get into great shape without every stepping foot on a treadmill or in the gym for that matter by playing sports. If you have a sport that you like, start playing it more often. If you like to do something a bit physical, then try kickboxing or some form of mixed martial arts. I’m not talking about competing or anything. You can do any of these things in an aerobic fashion where your aim is to simply get your heart pumping but at the same time learn a new skill and have fun as well.

Now if you are fine with working out at the gym than the best exercise equipment to lose weight is the treadmill. Since you are constantly moving the whole time, you will be burning a lot of calories which is what you want to aim for. You can also do weight lifting as well in order to build muscle which will help burn fat but if you had to choose one thing, then the treadmill or even the stationary bike would be it. The best exercise to lose weight fast would be to combine both cardio and weight lifting.

Weight Loss Complete Program

Of course, no weight loss program is complete without having the proper diet. You can work out all you want but if you continue to eat junk food all the time, you’re not going to go very far. So remember that your diet is a huge part in obtaining your weight loss goal. Again, in respects to exercising, the best exercise for weight loss is one where you actually enjoy it enough to stick with it. Try out different things if you don’t already have one in mind until you find one that you like. Working out doesn’t have to be hard or boring, it can also be fun if you look hard enough for the right exercise.

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